Terms Of Use

Here you will soon find ASI Planning’s full Terms of Use.

In short, all information on this website should be accurate at the time of first publishing, however may not be complete. It is also subject to change without notice.

You use this website and the information presented on it by your own free will and ASI Planning takes no responsibility for how you choose to use or interpret the information.

Further, an advice we give you directly (especially when at no charge), is our Professional Opinion only, and whilst believe to be accurate at the time is not legally binding in any way on ASI Planning.

We make NO representations or implications as to your potential earnings doing any form of property development. Whilst ASI Planning will use its best endeavors to help you create the best possible outcomes, you acknowledge that some people make choices regarding their projects that cause them to LOSE money.  ASI Planning does not take into account your personal circumstances when providing information on this website (or elsewhere online), which is also general in nature.